7 research outputs found

    A-based optimal coordination of vehicle-to-grid batteries and renewable generators in a distribution network

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    The increasing integration of Electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable generators (RGs) is an inevitable trend in power system development to control the release of greenhouse gases and pollution and reduce dependence on fossil fuels. This will challenge distribution networks, which have constrained capacities, due to the intrinsic intermittence of renewable power and additional charging load demand of EVs. However, appropriate dispatch of EVs via vehicle-to-grid (V2G) operation in coordination with RGs can solve the stability issues and provide operational support for the power grid and benefit both environment and EV users. This paper utilizes the A∗ search procedure for the first time to solve the optimal decentralized coordinated dispatch problem of RGs and EVs, which is formulated as a distributed multi-objective constraint optimisation problem using the Analytic Hierarchy Process. Both power grid and EV users' concerns and priorities are taken into account. The proposed algorithm is tested on a radial distribution network, a modified UK generic distribution system (UKGDS). The simulation results demonstrate the feasibility and stability of the proposed A∗-based optimal coordinated dispatch strategy.</p

    Optimal decentralized coordination of electric vehicles and renewable generators in a distribution network using A<sup>∗</sup> search

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    The increasing integration of Electric vehicles (EVs) and renewable generators (RGs) is an inevitable trend of power grid concerning the global control of greenhouse gas release. This will challenge constrained distribution networks due to the intrinsic intermittency of renewable power and additional charging load demand of EVs. However, appropriate dispatch of EVs via vehicle-to-grid (V2G) operation in coordination with RGs can solve the stability issues, provide operational support for the power grid, reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and benefit both the environment and EV users. This paper develops a novel algorithm to solve the optimal decentralized coordinated dispatch problem of RGs and EVs based on multi-agent and the A∗ search procedure. This optimal dispatch problem is formulated as a distributed multi-objective constraint optimisation problem using the Analytic Hierarchy Process taking into account both power grid and EV users’ concerns and priorities. The inherent uncertainty of EV driving activities and RG output power are considered in this work, of which the stochastic modelling is established using copulas. The proposed algorithm is tested on a radial distribution network, a modified UK generic distribution system. The simulation results demonstrate the feasibility and stability of the proposed A∗-based optimal coordinated dispatch strategy.</p

    Decentralized coordination of distributed generators in a distribution network using A*

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    The increasing penetration of renewable generators (RGs) in the power grid is an inevitable trend to combat air pollution and reduce the usage of fossil fuels. In a distribution network, the growing erection of distributed small-scale renewable generators poses several challenges for the network operator: constrained capacity and balancing of supply and demand. Therefore, an appropriate approach is required to achieve the optimal dispatch of distributed generators within a distribution network. In this paper, a decentralized agent-based dispatch approach is proposed for the optimal coordination of distributed generators. It is first formulated as a distributed constrained optimization problem and then solved using an A∗-based algorithm. The proposed approach is explained and tested on an example distribution network. A comparison with a published algorithm based on dynamic programming is made to discuss the difference between them and the potential advantages of the proposed A∗-based optimal dispatch algorithm.</p


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    VEROTILI – KÄYTTÖÖNOTON HAASTEELLISUUS Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena oli tutkia mielipiteitä verotilistä sekä haasteita ja ongelmia, joita verotilijärjestelmän käyttöönotossa ilmeni käyttäjille, lähinnä pienyritysten näkökulmasta. Mielenkiintoinen tutkimuskysymys oli myös, miten yrittäjä sai informaatiota verotilijärjestelmästä ja selviytyy muutostilanteessa. Ongelmia ja haasteita tutkiessa on pyritty selvittämään myös sitä, mistä syystä nämä aiheutuivat. Tutkimuksessa on myös käsitelty, ovatko kyseiset asiat tiedostettu verohallinnossa ja millaisia muutosehdotuksia tai muutoksia on tähän mennessä tehty verotilijärjestelmään. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin sekundaariaineistona yritysjärjestön teettämää kyselytutkimusta käyttäjille sekä muita lähteitä, kuten esimerkiksi verkkojulkaisuja sekä lehtiartikkeleita ja haastattelua. Kyselytutkimuksessa oli kysymyksiä, joihin oli valmiit vastausvaihtoehdot sekä kysymys mahdollisista haasteista ja ongelmista, johon saattoi vastata vapaasti. Tutkimuksessa yhdisteltiin sekä laadullisen että määrällisen tutkimuksen menetelmiä. Tutkimus osoittaa, että haasteita ja ongelmia on esiintynyt verotilijärjestelmään liittyen. Haasteet ja ongelmat saattavat olla yksilöllisiä, mutta pääosin ne ovat olleet yh-denmukaisia liittyen tunnistautumiseen sekä ilmoittamis- ja veronmaksun ajankohtiin. Oman ongelmansa ovat tuoneet veroista vähennettävät hyvitykset, miten niitä voi käyttää hyödykseen ja milloin. Pääosin verotilijärjestelmän käyttäjät pitävät järjestelmää entistä käytäntöä parempana ja byrokratiaa vähentävänä järjestelmänä, kun tietyt ongelmakohdat saadaan selvitettyä. Käyttöönotto tapahtui nopeasti lain vahvistamisen jälkeen tiukalla aikataululla, mikä tutkimuksen mukaan aiheutti eniten ongelmia verotilijärjestelmään siirryttäessä. Verotilijärjestelmän käyttäjät eivät saaneet tarpeeksi informaatiota järjestelmästä ennen siirtymistä, jotta olisivat voineet toimia, kuten järjestelmä edellyttää. Ohjeistus on ollut osin puutteellista, osin sekavaa. Tämä aiheutti ongelmia ja sekaannuksia, mikä on aiheuttanut lisätyötä sekä yrittäjille että verohallinnolle. Verotilijärjestelmässä ja Katso-tunnistautumisessa esiintyneet ongelmat toivat oman lisänsä ongelmiin. Tehdyn tutkimuksen perusteella voidaan sanoa, että verotilijärjestelmä ei ole vielä toiminut niin kuin odotettiin, eikä verotilijärjestelmän tavoitteisiin ole vielä kokonaisuudessaan päästy.THE TAX ACCOUNT – CHALLENGES OF INTRODUCTION ABSTRACT The objective of this thesis was to find out user’s opinions of the Tax Account system and also research challenges and problems, which appeared to using system, mainly perspective of small business companies. The interesting research question was how entrepreneurs and other small business companies got information from the Tax Account system and how they survived in situation of change. On researching challenges and problems has also tried to clarify which caused the problems. In the report has also handled, has the Tax Administration recognized these problems and what kind of changes or amendments has made concerning the Tax Account system so far. The research material consists of the inquiry as secondary material which business organization had made. The other research sources, which has used, were web publishings, journal articles and an interview. There were multiple questions in the inquiry which the answer alternatives had been ready defined and a question of possible challenges and problems in which man could answer openly with own words. Thus both quantitative and qualitative methods were combined in the research. The study shows that there have been challenges and problems in the introduction of the Tax Account system. The challenges and problems could be individuals, but mainly they have been consistent with the other sources. Most of problems are related to identification to Tax Account system and both report and tax payment timings. The own problem in the Tax Account system are those rebates which man can reduce from taxes; how man can use them and when. Most of users of the Tax Account system think that the new system is better than the old one and they also think that the new system reduces bureaucracy as the problems would be solved. After verifying the Tax Account Act was the introduction happened fast by tight timetable, which caused most of problems moving to the Tax Account system according to the study. The users of the Tax Account system don’t get enough information of the system before moving that they could act like the system demands. This caused problems and confusion, which again caused more work to companies and also to the Tax Administration. The problems in the Katso- identification and technical problems in the Tax Account system brought more problems. According to the study can it be said that the Tax Account system doesn’t yet operate like expected and to the objectives hadn’t been yet gotten